Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Crazy Shoes- Fashion Trend for Fall 2008

According to Styleist one of the Trends for this season is quirky or crazy women's shoes.

Some of the Styles highlighted are reverse heel pumps, neon platform shoes, and ballet flats.

Posh Spice Vitoria Beckham is seen wearing some futuristic Gimabasttista Vallis in Paris. Gwyneth Paltrow is wearing very short dresses and very high heels ( is that like a Short Skirt and Long Jacket?).

The Marc Jacobs 2008 collection has some very quirky looking pumps that some swear are very comfortable to wear, but they look like HELL to me.

And of course the more "fashionable" of the Olsen Twins is rocking her own Posh Giambattista Valli "Victoria" pumps in Hello Kitty Pink. Meooowwwww.

Not to be outdone, Fendi has a 700 buck pair of cage high heel sandals- they feature a 5 inch heel covered in chain links.